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Friday, December 29, 2017

Coast Guard medevacs man from bulk carrier near Annapolis, Md.

BALTIMORE — The Coast Guard medevaced a 41-year-old crewmember from the bulk carrier Kang Hong in the Annapolis anchorage Tuesday.

Watchstanders at the Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region command center received a report from the ship stating a crewmember was experiencing stroke-like symptoms.

Sector MNCR watchstanders launched a 45-foot Response Boat-Medium boat crew from Coast Guard Station Annapolis to respond. Two paramedics from Anne Arundel County Fire Department accompanied the RBM crew.

The crewmember was removed from the ship and transported back to Station Annapolis, where he was taken to Anne Arundel Medical Center via ambulance.

"The communication and cooperation between our fellow life-saving agencies in cases like this one helped us conduct a timely response,” said Seaman Colt Coffman, coxswain for the case. “The vessel also maintained good radio communication on Channel 16, which kept us well aware of their location and the situation throughout the medevac.”

1 comment:

  1. "...“The vessel also maintained good radio communication on Channel 16, which kept us well aware of their location and the situation throughout the medevac.”

    Duh. These guys are professional mariners. Do you think maybe they know how to use a marine VHF? Do you think it's possible to lose a bulk carrier in Annapolis anchorage?

    Who wrote this tripe?


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