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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Clinton calls Uranium One story a 'distraction,' warns of dictatorship

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday slammed what she described as the “politicization of the Justice Department” after reports that the Trump administration was considering a special counsel to probe the Uranium One deal and alleged conflicts with the Clinton Foundation.

President Trump has criticized the uranium deal and suggested that Clinton, who served as U.S. secretary of state in the Obama administration, may be implicated in wrongdoing.

But in an interview with Mother Jones, Clinton claimed that the Uranium One story has been “debunked” a number of times and that the Trump administration was merely using the story as a distraction.

“And if they send a signal that we’re going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regime where political opponents are going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated -- that rips at the fabric of the contract we have that we can trust our justice system,” she said.

Trump and his supporters have accused Clinton of overseeing the sale of 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia. They see her alleged role as a scandal, particularly amid charges the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

Allegations also have been made that the approval of the sale of Uranium One benefited major donors to the Clinton Foundation, raising conflict-of-interest questions.



  1. When she may be in the hot seat for Russian collusion it is politicization of the justice department, but with Trump it is not! She is running scared and is going to use every Alinsky tactic to make us look over there and not at her!!

  2. does anyone even care what hillary says anymore? she`s a political has been who is too old to even run for any political office anymore. she`s a demented old wanna be president who should fade away gracefully.

  3. Hillary and bill are the democrat party nothing will happen to them. 40 years of information gathered on people. The hill is filled with perverts and they have videos on all of it. Same reason Nancy is still in charge

  4. Well we found out this week why it has been debunked so many times. They had the FBI in their pocket to help them.

  5. Are we getting a little too close to the bone there, Hillary? The closer we get, the louder you squirm!


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