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Friday, December 08, 2017

China, Russia Deploying ‘Sharp Power’ to Quietly Penetrate Democracies

Sharp power centers on distraction and manipulation

China and Russia have spent billions of dollars over the past decade on state-run propaganda campaigns disguised as commercial ventures in an effort to shape public opinion and policy debates in democracies around the world, according to a new report by the National Endowment for Democracy.

To accomplish this, Beijing and Moscow have deployed a diverse array of tools, including people-to-people exchanges, cultural activities, educational programs, and the development of media enterprises with global reach.

These methods have become a key element of Chinese and Russian foreign policy, particularly in their efforts to project "sharp power" abroad.

Unlike the Cold War-era tactics of "soft power," based on attraction and the positive appeal of political ideals, or the projection of "hard power" by military force, sharp power entails a degree of stealth and centers on distraction and manipulation.



  1. You need to look right at our own USA to see the same. Liberals have been doing this for years so we need not point fingers. Fake news, fake education, fake Hollywood the list goes on and on.

  2. 9:25 fake education? Calling education a liberal conspiracy doesn't excuse stupidity.


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