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Monday, December 18, 2017

Chicago Commissioner Pleads With UN To Deploy Foreign Troops On US Soil

Under the guise of stopping violent crime, a County Commissioner in Cook County, Illinois, went to New York City late last week to requestthat the United Nations deploy foreign troops in Chicago to tackle the city’s “quiet genocide.”

Perhaps, the geopolitical instability on the Korean Penisula and in the Middle East is just one giant distraction. The real action is currently unfolding in America’s out of control inner cities, such as Chicago. There is a pattern emerging across the United States, where inner cities such as Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Oakland, Mephesis, and St. Louis are experiencing out of control violent crime with local officials paralyzed.

Earlier this year, President Trump threatened Chicago with sending in the Feds, after crime statistics warned of an alarming surge in violent crime.



  1. Send in a couple of A-10's and clear out the criminals!

  2. I don't think a commissioner from Chicago should be allowed to go direct to the UN. Our problems in the United States should be dealt with Americans not other countries. This is just another way of allowing other countries in the US illegally.

  3. I thought the strict gun laws were supposed to fix that problem.

  4. The first thing to do is get rid of the stupid crooked Democrats running things, then hire Rudy Guiliani to clean up that mess.

  5. any UN troops on US soil is an invasion, plain and simple!!!!!!!

  6. Sorry about the Sanctuary City has a crime problem.
    Karma Ain't it wonderful?

  7. Chicago's problems are self made. Chicago was supposed to be a paradise designed by the Democrats over the last 60+ years.


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