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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Breaking News: In a stinging rebuke, the U.N. General Assembly condemned the U.S. decree on Jerusalem. The vote was 128 to 9, with 35 abstentions.

The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations voted to approve a nonbinding resolution demanding that the United States rescind the Dec. 6 decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, ignoring President Trump’s threats of revenge.


  1. Why are those losers still in the USA. Kick them the heck out!!

  2. 129 counties in denial. That should save of allot of funds to these ingrates..better yet stop funding satans den, the UN altogether

  3. Sounds like Trump just saved us several billion dollars!

  4. We should leave the UN anyhow. Bunch of blood suckers. Without us it wouldn't exist. Send them all back to their hell holes.

  5. They likely spent US money in formulating a protest.

  6. If the U.N. and The New York Times support the "stinging rebuke", we can be sure the U.S. decree is a good thing!

  7. We don't need approval from a bunch of blood sucking idiots.
    Send them all packing back to their loser countries.
    We should have left the worthless organization years ago.
    It cannot exist with out American dollars and soldiers.
    We should ignore the insignificant little people.

  8. De fund the UN--just a pit of vipers anyway

  9. And Nikki let them know what to expect from the U.S. after they singled us out and disrespected us. "We will remember this vote". We pay the most to the U.N. out of all the members. We pay for the privilege of being insulted and disrespected. We will put OUR embassy wherever we like and this vote will not make any difference on that.

    So IMO, she told them to stick it in a polite and democratic manner.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 21, 2017 at 5:27 PM

    United Nations has turned into an organization full of most crooked "leaders" from every country on earth. Most of their own citizens despise them. And they "want to vote" on something that is an American issue, paid for by American dollars. What are these crooked bafoons thinking? Its all corrupted political game for them.

  11. Nikki, you go, girl!

  12. THe United States is wrong on this issue


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