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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Breaking News: The F.C.C. has scrapped net neutrality rules. Internet providers will have more power over the web, allowing them to favor certain sites.

The Obama-era regulations had prohibited broadband providers from blocking websites or charging for higher-quality service or certain content. The federal government will also no longer regulate high-speed internet delivery as if it were a utility, like phone services.


  1. Great. So now an already consolidated media market that is controlling everything from your political views to the music you buy, is going to have even more control. Please tell me how this is MAGA. Please tell me how this helps smaller start ups compete and bring innovation to the market.

  2. The federal government wasn't "regulating" anything with net neutrality. They were giving it's citizens freedom to use the internet without restrictions, slower service and higher charges, which we will start seeing soon from our internet providers. But I guess the FCC just cares about the profits of those ISPs.

  3. 4:22 they were "regulating" ISP's ability to slow certain websites speeds in favor of others.

  4. 4:22 Exactly, and I think you and I are the only ones left in this world who understand that, and have been telling others the downfall of this but no one else seems to care, but I grantee soon as it affects them, becasue this will affect everyone, they will care, and their tune will change and they will get on here crying and complaining how you didn't do for them, what they can and should do for their own selves...

    And guess what???? Not only am I right yet again,(I am always right when it comes to this stuff), You can't fix it now and it is once again to late... Funny how that works...

    Just like how Joe is having problems with blogger, you think that is some glitch or something?? It all started after net neutrality was repealed... That same day!!!! Then what is funny even more is how you had that guy, some politician write an article or give an interview or some stupid tweet, about how they banned him or some Conservative tweet post yet he was the same one who voted for the repeal... Isn't that funny? How that works, they allow it to happen at the same time knowing what will happen, and then complain about it after it happened as if you were not part of it happening...

    The average citizen is no different, they don't care, they think it will never affect them or their families, and then wham-o it does... Every time!!!

    Oh but maybe when they have to pay more for internet, or pay more for faster speeds becasue places like VZW throttle you, or when you can no longer see or use services that you are used to, maybe then you will care???? NAAAAA you still won't care, you still won't see it and still will be in denial...

    1. Ah, Yes! A Sweet One !!! You know the ^*Truth*^ it is Cleer that (*'They') cant Stand the Truth!@.@!!!!

  5. Let me explain a little something to you guys. Let them shut Blogs down. I could use the vacation and a LIFE.

    1. No.!! How Will ""^They^"" get the reel news?? CNn is lyers, this is The Truth! (No liberal $agenda$*)

  6. The internet was free and open for 30 years before the government decided to stick its nose in and start regulating with "Net Neutrality"

    The internet will be just fine without "Net Neutrality"

  7. Everything obama, his administration and every stinkin democrat has done...has been to destroy this Country,Our Constitution and its people. If these crooks are for it then we sure as heck need to be against it!

  8. Think DPL. Comcast just got the go ahead to do and charge whatever they want. You want to stream netflix? No problem, just pay extra.

  9. Just like tax reform. Wait until you see who gets screwed and who makes money.

  10. 4:43: You always claim to be right, but you are usually far from it. I have never encountered anyone who claims to know as much as you. Your posts are obviously identifiable, since you usually claim you are perfect. Also, the multiple punctuation. Is this your kingdom? Do you claim us as your minions? It certainly appears so. That's sad. We're here for Joe's posts, and not your moronic comments, usually just, "I told you so's." You're using Salisbury News as your soap box where you shout I knew that already. Get over yourself or start your own news site.

  11. 4:43- This is an Obama regulation overturned by a republican currently heading the FCC. He is quite arrogant, but I don't think you really know what you are talking about, so again you are wrong. Only an imbecile would think they are never wrong, which you usually claim you are infallible, and only in you opinion. Who would claim they are never wrong? I guess, only you!

  12. Sounds like most of you invested in the wrong computer equipment. In the early 90s, I purchased an Al Gore computer and my internet has been completely free of charge since. I don't see what all the fuss is.

  13. Is this about who is wrong. Most people didn't understand Net Neutrality. Why would Obama okay this. Why and who wants it changed - the FCC didn't come up with this on their own. Someone like Soros behind this or am I out in left field. I understand now that it will cost more for service - but who wants that - don't understand why now.

  14. Isn't the FCC unconstitutional? Doesnt Verizon and Comcast already charge an arm and a leg to use their services? Whats the big deal if you pay more for Netflix? Is Netflix a necessity to your daily life? What did you people do before Netflix? Rent......DVD's? (gasp)

    1. We also used to drive steam powered cars and used gas lighting....what’s your point?

  15. 8:15 How is the FCC unconstitutional? Also, did you have a point? (Gasp)? Dont choke!

  16. The FCC isnt in the constitution. Thats how its unconstitutional. Just like the Department of Education

  17. 2:31 My record collection isn't in the constitution, so by your definition, it is unconstitutional. So again, what's your point?

  18. 5:28 PM Free? The internet has never been free. You ALWAYS had to pay someone to get there. Even on dial up there were limits that cost you if you went over your allotted "free" time (that was included in the price you paid each month)

  19. Without the net neutrality rules internet providers will be able to chose the winners and losers of all other businesses. If Comcast CEO buys a bunch of Pepsi stock he can slow down the computers at Coke, or keep you from getting to Cokes website.
    I say eliminate the Postal service. I am a capitalist but I say socialize the internet provider market. Make it so any home can receive internet of equal quality. Eliminate public schools entirely and have the entire k-12 curriculum interactive online. You chose to participate or you don't, excell quickly or repeat what you had trouble with, parents can chose not to cover content they disagree with. In addition you eliminate the expense of bussing, feeding and policing millions of children, cost of teachers, administrators, janitors. The cost of a settlement when some flake sues for being called the wrong gender. Sell buildings and get the tax money for them. Private online and institutional education would compete.
    The postal service was formed because no company would reliably and affordably take packages across the country. Now there are plenty of options for shipping. Internet service is so monopolized companies need to be broken up anyway. Fair and open internet access is just as important to the survival and growth of this country as postal service was 200 years ago. Internet is just 1 computer communicating with another so to have the ability to block sites is a censoring of free speech and freedom of association. However I guess after Buckley vs Valeo more money equals more speech.

  20. ok commies let me explain it to you this way. why should netflix or youtube be allowed to make millions while clogging up the internet with garbage and get the same rate and speed i do? so if one price fits all why wouldn't we all pay the same a month for electricity no matter how much we use? how about gas? food water? every other item you use in your daily life? damn you stupid commie snowflakes piss me off! wtf was wrong with you parents raising such ignorant selfish kids?

    1. If it's "clogging" the internet it's because someone is viewing it. That's the free market.
      What would you think about multiple speed options for drivers licenses? Pay 20 bucks you can drive up to 35 mph, pay 150 you can go up to 100 mph? How about if the state closed a road to divert traffic down a toll road? Would it be "commie" to expect everyone to drive at the same speed by the same rules with access to the same roads?

  21. Myspace was free and there was no net neutrality, i mean it was on dial up but nevertheless you didnt pay for it. Facebook was free before 2015 except for the games on there.

  22. there's a reason google, facebook, netflix want net neutrality. how can you snowflakes/fools be so stupid!
    keep drinking the kool-aid, an education is a wonderful thing. shame you're still living in your parents basement! how's that working out for ya? if you really need/want net neutrality I think China currently offers a form of it, (government control of the internet)!

  23. 828, *sigh*. We all already do pay the same amount for electric, gas, food and water. No matter who is in the grocery store or gas station, the cost per unit is the same.

  24. 9:21 trying to educate a moron such as yourself is useless! no we don't already pay the same! what freaking planet you livin on? those of us who actually work pay a hell of alot more for all the freeloaders such as yourself!
    Get a job and work for what you want and quit expecting others to pay for your free ride! you sorry pos!

  25. They've removed Assange from Twitter just as he was about to reveal more important news.

  26. And We The People site has "gone dark".


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