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Sunday, December 24, 2017

'Black Lives Matter' launches racist campaign: Boycott 'white corporations'

Black Lives Matter’s Melina Abdullah is dreaming of a “Black Xmas.”

On a recent episode of her weekly KPRK radio show “Beautiful Struggle,” the California State University-Los Angeles professor and national Black Lives Matter leader explained why she’s encouraging everyone to boycott “white corporations” this Christmas season.

“We say ‘white capitalism’ because it’s important that we understand that the economic system and the racial structures are connected,” she said. “We have to not only disrupt the systems of policing that literally kill our people, but we have to disrupt the white supremacist, capitalistic, patriarchal, heteronormative system that is really the root cause of these police killings.”

Abdullah was joined by fellow CSU-LA professor Anthony Ratcliff, her co-organizer for BLM’s first youth activist camp last summer, The Daily Wire reports.



  1. GREAT NEWS! This means no one skipping out on their payment obligations anymore! Business owners will be thrilled!

  2. God forbid anyone speak the truth,but the very rich of the world employ the masses.One way or another,directly or indirectly the very very rich create employment for almost everyone else.Good luck detaching from that.

  3. What she proposes is an impossibility.

  4. Pray they take this boycott seriously and stay out of the white owned malls and stores. The little bit of money they spend all supplemented by the tax payers isn't worth what they steal and the violence they commit.

  5. She speaks of police killing as though it's a one-way street, with no blame to be put on those shot, who 99% of the time have just used, are using or are about to use a weapon to injure others.
    The BLM narrative is flawed.

  6. Putting together some sort of movement or cause consists of preparation and an actual thought process. This leaves out anything coming out of BLM

  7. I guess they could start their own companies instead of crying about the white boogyman.

  8. If I do my math correctly, this means Charm City will be visited by every black American for Xmas. Sorry Baltimore, your "charm" has made your city ground zero for BLM's Thug Xmas 2017!

    Do enjoy - cuz the rest of us white American's WILL!!!!!

  9. Talk about segregation. Black lives matter, shows how stupid the sheep have become.

  10. LMAO - seriously, LMAO - oh man, so no shoplifters....

  11. Wonderful news, less shoplifting going on !

  12. BLM youth activist camp? Will be offering a course on how to surive in prison?

  13. It is a great idea. You won't have to be armed to go shopping anymore.
    EBT may go out of business folks.

  14. They don't seem to know what they want. First it is equal now they want to be equal and separate. White shop owners are not killing blacks. Blacks are killing blacks.

  15. Another org. and "movement" I am tired of hearing about. I had a "movement" this morning, and it was more important than anything these losers have ever put out.

    Stop your freaking whining. Nobody cares anymore. YOU have to do SOMETHING to show you want to improve your circumstances. WE are no longer going to do it for you. I know you have it in you, just get off your lazy butts and do it.

    You are capable of doing and achieving anything you want in this country. Nothing is holding you back except yourselves and your so-called leaders.

    If you can run a crew, you can run a business. If you can distribute drugs, you can be in management. Cut the crap.

  16. We need to boycott all corporations and get back to local small businesses.


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