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Friday, December 22, 2017

Black Journalist Suggests Charlie Rose Is Racist For Not Sexually Harassing Her

“We’re still not talking about the ramifications for black women.”

Charlie Rose was racist for not sexually harassing black women at his workplace, at least that’s what Esquire’s Rebecca Carroll suggested in a recent column.

From Esquire, “My Experience at Charlie Rose Went Beyond Sexism”:

As one powerful man after another faces allegations of sexual misconduct, we’re still not talking about the ramifications for black women.

DEC 4, 2017

In 1997, I joined the production team of Charlie Rose’s popular interview show. I was the only black journalist on staff. At the time, there was little to no recognition of what it meant to be black and female in a workplace dominated by white men. Twenty years later, in this watershed moment of examination and reckoning as one powerful white man after another is disgraced following allegations of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to assault, we’re still not talking about the ramifications for black women—or the broader connection to structural racism in America.

… And while many of us on staff were subject to Charlie’s unsolicited shoulder massages and physical intimidation, as he towered above us at a height over six feet tall, the women Charlie preferred and preyed upon—at least that I witnessed—were white. It was an environment that all but erased me, while simultaneously exploiting me as a black woman. …

In America, the most desirable woman in the room—the most sacred, coveted, enshrined woman—has always been the white woman. …

To be clear, I’m not suggesting it would have been preferable for Charlie to have preyed upon me, too—but rather, his sexualization of white women was a manifestation of gendered power dynamics in the same way that his not sexualizing me was an expression of racialized power dynamics.



  1. Charlie said in his apology he was a champion of women while he was groping, firing, threatening and sexually assaulting them... It seems to be cut and paste apology HOLLYWOOD AND DEMOCRATS use.

  2. So now a woman is whining because she didn't get groped?
    Where does this end?

  3. Lets face FACTS. The majority of people of ALL RACES prefer mates of their own race. Is it racist? I don't think so, I just think it is natural preference. If a white man is said to be racist because he prefers white women than blacks are also racist for preferring black women!!!
    Their are just too many people out there trying to stir up trouble and make themselves relevant.

  4. This is a new world order issue leading to a bad place.


  5. Must be a reason, what does REBECCA CARROLL look like ??????

  6. she should contact bill Clinton, he doesn't care what species they are


  7. 2:22 wins the thread!

  8. I just Googled her - not even a black man would try to hit on her or flirt - yuck. She looks like that tall dorky dude from Kid N Play from the 1980’s. Sorry sweetheart - it has nothing to do with you being black, believe me... Ray Charles would even know better.

  9. White women do know what it is like being the only women in an office of a dozen men working. Get a life. It is what you make it. I never felt harassed or lesser of a person. I was treated with respect. Not ever man is a sexual offender. Please ladies grow up.

  10. Now that's some top notch gibberish right there.

  11. After looking at the photos I'd say that's good taste. But it really meant that much to her it was nothing s fifth of jack Daniels couldn't have cured


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