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Saturday, December 02, 2017

Allen West posted this on facebook

BREAKING NEWS: Robert Mueller just issued a new indictment for former Pres. Barack Obama for his collusion with the Russians after stating he would have "more flexibility" after his 2012 re-election. Also, Obama has been indicted for his series of lies to the American people about the 2012 Benghazi attack.

Yes, this is "fake news" but it's a heckuva lot more important than an indictment on Michael Flynn. But I gotcha thinking, didn't i?


  1. That's just cruel!

  2. Never know how true this could be

  3. You can't say that you will be called a bigot.

  4. Still, nobody knows what happened to the pallets of CASH Obama sent to Iran. Who got the cash, his "foundation"?

  5. That was cruel. My heart leaped in excitement.


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