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Friday, December 15, 2017

After Prosecution "Missteps" Bundy Trial, Is It All Over? - Jury Sent Home, Will Be Called Back "If They Are Needed"

On Monday, reports of prosecutor misconduct emerged in the Bundy Ranch trials, but you probably didn’t hear that in the mainstream media nor much of the alternative media.

I had been on vacation and was very limited in what I was able to write on during that time, but having come back, I’ve seen some of the reports, mainly from Shari Dovale at Redoubt News, who has been keeping the public informed, along with a few others of what is taking place in Nevada at what has been deemed “The Trial of the Century.

First, let me allow Terry Noonkester to update you on the misconduct aspect in the case by the prosecution and we’ll move on to whether this may result in the end of the trial.


1 comment:

  1. The Feds are about to become "Defendants", and the Bundys will be able to prosecute them. They are being shown how badly they trampled the ranchers' rights.


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