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Saturday, December 09, 2017

A summit ‘that will live in infamy’

It’s called the 2017 Factory Farm Summit.

It will convene on Thursday, Dec. 7 — a day in history when the citizens of the United States had truly world-shaking things on their minds — for four days of poultry industry bashing.

The summit will be hosted by an organization called the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project and eight co-sponsors, including the Assateague Coastal Trust.

Socially Responsible Agricultural Project fancies itself, apparently, as the nation’s leading opponent of what are Confined Animal Feeding Operations.

CAFOs translate into “factory farms” and SRAP — the initialization of the name is theirs, not ours — has chosen to book its summit in the poultry heartland of Delmarva.

Its invitation to attend includes this enticement:

“Throughout rural America, factory farms are expanding at an unprecedented rate. As a direct result, the air in rural communities is increasingly polluted, local waterways and wells are fouled, and farmers and rural residents are finding themselves in a position of fighting for their homes, their businesses, and rural quality of life. … 
The event will be an opportunity to network, workshop, and learn new ways to stop the expansion of factory farms and hold bad-actor operations accountable for their pollution.”


  1. So, I guess they want chicken farmers to revert to raising chickens in an open field where they can crap all over instead of in a place where the waste can be properly managed?

    Enjoy your chicken dinners, folks. Without CAFO's there might not be enough to go around!

  2. Repeat of post: chicken is the only thing you eat before it's born and after it dies. Hungry for chicken yet?

    1. Had it for dinner last night. Dumplings were good too!!

  3. Tell them to take their "summit" to a College in California! We love chickens hear on Delmarva. They are kept nice and warm when frying, then we use Frank's Red Hot hot sauce or gravy to smother them in....uuumm uuummm good! The Poultry and Seafood Industries are our way of life and I might add SOME DAMN GOOD EATING!!

  4. And duck. Oh, and goose.


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