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Thursday, December 28, 2017

"$1MM Per Minute In Salaries, $22BN Per Year In Vacation Pay" And Other Fun Facts About The Federal Workforce

The folks at Open The Books decided to take a deep dive into the salaries of 1.97 million federal employees, using data collected from the Office Of Personnel Management and the USPS via FOIA requests, and the endless examples of excessive pay and pure waste are sure to make you sick, if not downright suicidal. Here are just some of the key takeaways as summarized by OTB:

1. The federal government pays its disclosed workforce $1 million per minute, $66 million per hour, and $524 million per day. In FY2016, the federal government disclosed 1.97 million employees at a cash compensation cost of $136.3 billion.

2. Over a six-year period (FY2010-2016), the number of federal employees making $200,000 or more has increased by 165 percent; those making $150,000 or more has grown by 60 percent; and those making more than $100,000 has increased by 37 percent.

3. On average, federal employees are given 10 federal holidays, 13 sick days, and 20 vacation days per year.If each employee used 13 sick days and took 20 vacation days in addition to the 10 federal holidays, it would cost taxpayers an estimated $22.6 billion annually.

4. In FY2016, a total 406,960 employees made six-figure incomes – that's roughly one in five disclosed federal employees. Furthermore, 29,852 federal employees out-earned each of the 50 state governors receiving more than $190,823.

5. At 78 out of the 122 independent agencies and departments we studied, the average employee compensation exceeded $100,000 in FY2016.



  1. You mention over a six year period. That would be Obama putting more African Americans in Federal positions making alot of money. It was called Affirmative Action. Also you didn't mention personal days which affirmative action employees used but was not authorized. Lovely place to work.

  2. I should have gotten one of those gigs. I chose to do something that I enjoyed doing, with people that came to work on time, and didn't dress like they were at a pajama party. But that's just me.

  3. And you Wonder Why The US Government Is So dysfunctional ?? Because They Are Never There Working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( With That Kind Of Employment Package No Wonder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Easily half of the civil service workforce could be fired tomorrow and the government would work better and cheaper.

    I have seen the recent hiring in a number of agencies - they should not have graduated high school!

    Talk about a waste of money!


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