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Sunday, November 12, 2017

What's Wrong With This Salisbury Maryland Picture?


  1. Wow what scumbag would steel that metal rim.a SNOWFLAKE ?

  2. Somebody stole the steel to sell at a recycler.

  3. The spokes have been rotting for years.

  4. Why would anyone steal a wheel part on an old relic in the City Park, it has been there since the 60"s or before, it is authentic and should be returned by the person who took it-either a fool or someone who resents a cannon in the park--is this another get rid of our history?

  5. Looks closely, the steel ring is sitting right there next to the spoke.

  6. wow , im 66 and crawled on that as a young boy

  7. Why would the City allow this? Then they wonder why the City Park is a danged zone and nobody visits it any more. Totally pathetic City leaders.

  8. It is a cannon from WW I as a memorial to the soldiers who fought from here.

  9. Part of the breach is missing so it cannot be fired. Otherwise, I bet it would be one hell of a howitzer

  10. I guess they needed money bad enough to have to take the metal wheel for scrap

  11. The city can't keep up with routine maintenance, yet we have $400,000 to spend on an ampitheater???

  12. This cannon offends me

  13. Looks like some maintenance repairs, to me.

  14. When I heard them talking about an ice rink in that area I failed to believe they could keep that area safe enough for any night skating. I guess it will be all daylight except for the grand opening which if I understand correctly is by invitation only. The whole neighborhood area is unsafe. I no longer sit in the park in the fall to watch the birds and squirrels. Fencing around Bens red swings.....what next...fencing around the whole park?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Looks closely, the steel ring is sitting right there next to the spoke.

    November 6, 2017 at 10:19 AM

    Thank you 1019. I didn't notice that until you mentioned it. I guess others have not read your comment yet.

  16. If was to commemorate our WW1 soldiers than it must be restored, aren't there committees or historical groups that do these things? I have a picture of my son when he was about four taken on that cannon he is now almost 43 years old, I am sure lots of families have done the same thing.

  17. I remember when I was 16 YO a group of guys put 1lb of red dot gun powder in the old cannon and used newspaper for wadding. Then they lit the water proof green fuse and the blast could be heard for miles. All of the neighbors got a big kick out the incident.


  18. Pic taken by Jake's spokes person?

  19. It's also aimed directly at Wi Middle Auditorium.Check it out.


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