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Monday, November 20, 2017

We’re Sick of Being Shamed for Supporting America

Patriotic Americans are really getting sick and tired of being shamed for loving our country.

If you think I’m wrong … look no further than the NFL. Ratings are in the toilet. Stadiums are empty. Owners are melting down.

But it’s not just football. It’s everything.

Good luck trying to watch television without having an anti-Trump agenda shoved down your throat. Storylines have been adjusted to advance the “poor illegal immigrants” and “all Trump supporters are Nazis” and “police are all racist” narratives.

Uh oh – the wind blew down my “Vote Democrat” sign. Someone call the cops!

Social media is fun. God forbid you make the mistake of sharing ANYTHING that’s patriotic. The American flag is a sign of oppression.

Someone pay for my degree in basket weaving so I can drink all day instead of going to class. Bernie Sanders said that’s the American dream!

Articles in support of cops means you conspire to hurt innocent Americans. Did you say CHRISTMAS? You must hate Muslims and Jews.



  1. I watch the old stuff. MeTV , Antenna TV. Wanna talk politically incorrect - you should watch some of the old stuff.

  2. I LOVE being P.C. and I don't give a rip what someone get's upset about. Their problem, not mine.

  3. Amen to his point. People look at me funny when I wear my American flag lapel pin. Like I'm a stranger to my own country. They chastise me for voting for Trump.
    It's time to take our country back folks, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Before it's too late.

    1. Fortunately you're a dying breed.

  4. Poor patriots. Such victims. It's a shame the world won't let you reside in your safe space when it's existence affects others.

  5. Wow. The persecution complex is strong with this one.

    This is America. Where they literally fly the flag outside every public building, and many homes on private land.

    Where you can buy American flag ANYTHING. Hats, towels, shot glasses, underpants, and the list goes on and on and on and on.

    OH my goodness TRUMP was elected by a MAJORITY vote. How do you have the gall to claim some sort of persecution?

    Ignore the trolls. We are not being persecuted. Just stop it all ready.

  6. There will always be patriotic Americans as long as there is a United States of America. When it exists no longer, the freedoms so many enjoy today will no longer exist. They will then understand.

  7. Don't stop expressing your beliefs. That's what America is all about.


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