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Monday, November 13, 2017

Want To See Trump Wipe The SMIRK Off Rachel Maddow’s Face?

I look back upon the last election with fondness and a smile. I remember that night and the total meltdown from the left that ensued when President Trump trounced the Hildabeast. It was magical… much better than CATs. And I love the videos below… they just never get freaking old. Watching Rachel Maddow get the smirk wiped off her smug mug by Trump was one of the ‘feel good’ moments of my life. ALL the polls were wrong and the voters did indeed win the day. The tears, the rending of clothes, the gnashing of teeth and wailing… that was all frosting on a red, white and blue cake. Good times.

Trump would go on to win every single swing state causing media heads to explode and talking heads to bawl live on air. Those states were all predicted to go to Hillary Clinton. As each one went red, the left went pale and utterly speechless. Anyone who watched it knows what I mean, it was classic. Wisconsin, North Carolina, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida… each fell to The Donald and that look on Maddow’s face morphed from a smirk to priceless shock.



  1. She'll never be the man her mother was.

  2. I simply disagree.
    I believe the election was rigged and Mr. Trump had agreed only to "run" against his good family friend, Hillary so that they could guarantee her election.
    But she died on 911.
    So he was forced to actually play the role of the POTUS even though he did not want to do so.
    He intended to start up his new television network after the election, and her death prevented him from remaining free.
    Now he is forced to read the scripts written for him by the intelligence agencies.

    What a life.


  3. I forgot how sweet it was to stay up all night watching Trump not only kick her ace like a whore found in the White House (almost happened, lol), but exposing all these fake news broadcasters who, in concert, thought they could openly LIE and if they all did it together, "we, the people" would not be able to notice the smell of their BS. God, that was SO GREAT! Thank You Jesus.
    They had an agenda from the start and to call themselves "journalists" was an insult to real ones.
    "Real pollsters", "legitimate" polling firms, historic "landslides", and expert analysis from lying and stupidly inept CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC.
    I'm going to watch that video again! There was so much egg on their face, they should have donated themselves to the Salvation Army to feed the masses.
    Now, if we could just convince them that they lost and it cannot be re-done.
    Or as the biggest monkey pretender in the history of the Presidency once said, "Elections have consequences. We won. Deal with it".
    History is going to tear him that loser apart .
    Now, get out of the way! Americans have a REAL president, PROUD of the USA.

  4. “...this is your life now...”she proclaimed with a tear. lol


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