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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Visa Lottery Chain Migration Imported 5 Million Foreigners Since 1994, Says Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The visa lottery has triggered a hidden wave of chain migration, and has delivered almost 5 million foreign nationals to the United States since 1994, says a new analysis.

New research by the Center for Immigration Studies reveals the enormous chain-migration impact of the visa lottery program, where 50,000 visas every year are given to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries. The countries include those with terrorist problems, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.

Foreign nationals from eligible countries can win the visa lottery if they have a high-school degree and two years of work experience. Once they win the green cards to permanently stay in the United States, the migrants can bring in their spouses and minor children. Each arrival can get citizenship in five years, and then begin choosing members of their extended family — including parents, siblings and their children — to also become U.S. residents and citizens, regardless of their character, education, ideology or security risks. This expanding, unscreened immigration system is known as “chain migration,” and it has more than doubled U.S. immigration rates during since the 1980s.



  1. It's to undermine and destabilize America to the point where Communism looks rational.

  2. Do you really think George H. W. Bush signed this immigration act into law because he wanted to "undermine and destabilize America to the point where Communism looks rational"?

  3. You people ELECTED the ones who did this.
    And RE-ELECTED them over and over.
    Don't be mad at the killers your "leaders" openly welcomed with no background check and NO TIES to the USA, except to some dumb-ace politicians who started an f'ing LOTTERY to come here.
    You, by the way, are on your own. Not only did they let killers come to your neighborhood, they continue to make sure "we, the people", are disarmed and helpless against them.
    That's what they call themselves.
    I have another name for them, which Joe won't print.
    Just buy more ammo and if you have to deal with them, I got your Jury Nullification card in my back pocket. Dozens of them.
    Right next to my gun.
    Keep cheering.

  4. Yea they hit the Power Ball !!! Now Deport them !!!


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