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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Trump backs Moore, saying candidate ‘totally denies’ allegations by women

President Trump stood up for embattled Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore Tuesday, saying he “totally denies” allegations of sexual harassment by several women.

“Roy Moore denies it,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s run eight races, and this has never come up. He totally denies it, he says it didn’t happen. You have to listen to him, also.”

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr. Trump also said “we don’t need a liberal” like Democratic candidate Doug Jones in the Senate.



  1. What would you expect him to say? He is part of the problem.

  2. 11:34 you are the problem...this is a Hit Job brought to you by Mitch McConnell and company. period. So far NOTHING has been proven. Innocent until Proven guilty. NO PROOF.


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