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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Tom Perez Lies About DNC Role in Funding Russia Dossier

Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez falsely asserted Tuesday that the "Russia dossier" produced by the research firm Fusion GPS was commissioned by the Washington Free Beacon.

Perez was coy about the DNC's role in the dossier's creation on Tuesday, according toThe Daily Caller, declining to say how much the DNC paid Fusion GPS or who authorized the payments.

Perez went on to say Trump "has a very shady relationship with Russian authorities," according to the report, and then falsely claimed the dossier was merely the DNC continuing earlier work commissioned by the Free Beacon:



  1. Anyone who wants to make Trump a bad guy is showing their ignorance. Let it show. sunshine is the best remedy.

  2. His gaggle of believers will believe it.


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