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Thursday, November 16, 2017

These are the sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton

Four women have accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment over the last few decades. One woman accused Clinton of raping her.

Amid ongoing national attention on issues of sexual assault and workplace harassment, Democrats and others on the left are beginning to reexamine their response to the allegations against Clinton.

President Bill Clinton's decision to lie under oath about his consensual affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky almost forced him from the presidency.

But allegations made by four other women that Clinton either sexually assaulted or harassed them have done little to discredit him among his supporters. Clinton has denied all of the allegations against him, including those made by four other women who allege they had consensual extramarital relationships with him over the years.

As a national spotlight is being shined on sexual assault and harassment following a flood of accusations of misconduct aganist dozens of prominent men in Hollywood, the media, and politics, Democrats and others on the left are beginning to reexamine their response to Clinton's alleged misdeeds.



  1. Lots of money was spent to keep these and others quiet. It's part of why the Clintons were "dead broke" after leaving the WH.

  2. Clinton Inc. has been corrupt ever since they entered public office. Their supporters never have cared how crooked they are, or their sexual abuses towards others. The Clintons have always been above the law with their supporters. Clinton Inc is a crooked family enterprise, just like a mafia family.

  3. You know what's really awful? Instead of taking a stance against all sexual harassment you've politicized it. You've somehow taken it and made it Dem vs. Republican which is downright shameful.

  4. at best billy Clinton is a schmuck.

  5. If the Democrats are looking at old things Clinton did I become very suspicious it is to distract our attention away from more recent things that have happened. I have a high distrust of almost all politicians especially Democrats.

  6. Old news about a private citizen. Let's talk about the Republican U.S. Senate candidate with new allegations, and the Democratic U.S. Senator with new allegations. It's not a partisan issue so stop bringing up old stuff when we should be focusing on new stuff regardless of the individual's political allegiance.

  7. He is a Clinton ...Hell he could Rape some every day & get
    away with it !!!!!!! Probably has many times more .....

  8. Hillary is almost worse--covering it up, silencing the women-threatening them--the story of her henchmen threatening some of his lady "friends" that accused him--she's just as disgusting as he is. I shudder to think she could have been president.


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