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Friday, November 10, 2017

The Secret Reason Trump Is So Cozy With Saudi Arabia

As a candidate, Donald Trump used uncommonly harsh language to criticize Saudi Arabia—the world’s largest oil exporter.

He called the Saudi regime the world’s biggest funder of terrorism.

He also said the Saudi government uses “our petro dollars—our very own money—to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people, while the Saudis rely on us to protect them!”

At another point, Trump said, “Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi [Arabia].”

Trump also criticized Hillary Clinton for taking Saudi money for the Clinton Foundation. (They were its biggest “donors.”) He even challenged her to return the money.

He also famously got into a Twitter spat with a prominent member of the Saudi royal family, Alwaleed bin Talal.

As a candidate, Trump blasted the Saudis countless other times.

But, after he took office, Trump did a complete 180. He stopped criticizing the Saudis. In fact, he’s now singing their praises.



  1. This is easy. Saudi has had a change of heart. The new Prince has and is purging the old radical extremist muslims from power and is declaring war on Obamas most favored nation--iran

  2. It's all about global political positioning. Trump often speaks before he fully analyzes and gets the analyses of his intel, which, after all, is the intel based upon eight years of unbridled coddling of the Saudis by the Obama administration and the interminable sucking up by the Clinton cabal. Both the President and the Saudis may be coming to a better, mutually beneficial arrangement. It's far from perfect, but it's going to be better than what was.

  3. When I read headlines and posts like these, it makes me wonder if the author of the silliness has ever owned or managed anything in their lives.

    Managing, be it business or running a government requires FLEXIBILITY, because in REAL LIFE everything is FLUID.

    Those who stick with one fixed policy without any flexibility will fail.

    The harder the steel, the more brittle the structure.


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