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Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Arch-enemies of Liberty — Soros, Steyer, Bezos and Bloomberg

The billionaire socialists pose a far greater threat to the next election than Russian or Chinese hackers.

On Monday, one of our political editors, Thomas Gallatin, wrote about a legal restraining order filed on behalf of a Barack Obama deep-state leftover. Richard Cordray, former director of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, attempted to name his deputy, Leandra English, as his successor — clearly an end-run around the executive branch.

What’s the CFPB, you ask? It’s a behemoth unconstitutional regulatory bureaucracy created by the ill-conceived Dodd-Frank legislation. As Gallatin noted, it’s “a rogue agency answerable to almost no one and Corday’s selection of English was a deliberate attempt to keep it that way.”

Donald Trump ignored Cordray and English and tapped his current Office of Management and Budget director, Mick Mulvaney, a CFPB critic, to serve as interim director. Mulvaney arrived at CFPB Monday (with donuts!) and advised all employees to “disregard any instructions you receive from Ms. English in her presumed capacity as acting director.”

The Trump administration received a temporary reprieve Tuesday when U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly dismissed the restraining order, noting, “Denying the president’s authority to appoint Mr. Mulvaney raises significant constitutional questions.” But it won’t end there…

While this high-profile legal dispute for control of their out-of-control statist bureaucracy is a high priority for Democrats, as spun by their MSM propaganda machine, there is something revealing about this case that they don’t want you to know.

The attorney leading the suit, Deepak Gupta, was asked during an interview who is funding his lawsuit. “Well, uh, it’s, it’s not, um, Miss English.”

More here


  1. This article couldn't be more correct and should be a warning to citizens.

  2. How is Soro's even allowed in the USA? He is not a citizen, he was born in Hungry, and is a convicted Felon.

  3. This bunch is determined to load our courts with liberal activist judges to go against our founding principles,beware.


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