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Monday, November 06, 2017



  1. A little off-topic, but I just saw a one minute ad on CNN that asked for donations towards the effort to impeach Trump.
    I can't believe that a major (so-called) "news" organization would allow an ad that insults the President as mentally unstable and dangerous. If there were actual Constitutional grounds for it, I'd say go for it.
    He has not committed "high crimes" or treason. Have they ever READ that document?
    What they are doing is also implicating the millions of voters who voted for him.
    With everything KNOWN about hillary, the DNC, and her powerful effort to deny Americans a choice in the election...the very essence of our republic.....and they want to impeach Trump???
    ALL the crimes she has committed and they are still LOOKING for SOMETHING to smear Trump with....
    CNN reveals it's true nature and objectives.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Pretty basic. Good examples...

  3. Last night I was watching dish channel 121 the vice channel. All the commercials were anti trump. Two black hood rats singing not my president so disgusting. I immediately changed the channel.

  4. This piece is very good and only skims the surface.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Last night I was watching dish channel 121 the vice channel. All the commercials were anti trump. Two black hood rats singing not my president so disgusting. I immediately changed the channel.

    November 6, 2017 at 9:40 AM

    Yes I also accidentally stopped on that channel and it was Anti-Trump and pro BLACK!


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