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Monday, November 06, 2017

Teen Vogue Shutters Shortly After Publishing 'Guide to Anal Sex' for Teen Girls

Teen Vogue is caput. Conde Nast announced today that Teen Vogue is getting the axe.

The New York-based publisher, which has instilled a hiring freeze, will slash about 80 jobs, equal to a decrease of about 2.5 percent of its 3,000-person workforce. Budgets across departments are also expected to get a haircut, with the worst-performing divisions and magazines getting cuts of up to 20 percent. As part of that mandate, Condé is reducing the frequencies of most of its titles and will shutter Teen Vogue in print.

There's no mention of the controversy that most likely caused the huge dip in sales: the pushing of explicit and dangerous sexual practices on children. The Activist Mommy led a boycott of Teen Vogue that seems to have done the trick. Good riddance. The last few months have brought us these scintillating headlines from Teen Vogue.



  1. Good. More grown men programming youth to be accepting of perversion. Sick.

    1. Written by a women and shut down by a man.

  2. Yawn, all this can be found on Al Gore's Interwebs, cable or practically any hand-held device.

    Teen Vogue so outdated!

  3. As they should.

    I shutter at the thought of my child having anal sex.

    Anal sex is bad enough, but they should be teaching abstinence.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Yawn, all this can be found on Al Gore's Interwebs, cable or practically any hand-held device.

    Teen Vogue so outdated!

    November 7, 2017 at 11:28 AM

    Sounds like you are on the Sex Offenders Registry. If not you should be.

  5. Only the print version of Teen Vogue will be shut down. The online version still will be there.

  6. Better Doosh !! Or they Won't want to ...........


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