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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Swamp Monster: Robert Mueller's FBI Purposefully Kept Congress In The Dark About Russia's Massive And Illegal Involvement With American Uranium Companies

Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution Friday that called for former FBI Director Robert Mueller to step down as special counsel for the “Russia investigation” due to the fact that he was directly involved with covering up Russia’s “significant and illegal” involvement with American uranium companies.

That’s right, the man whose supposed job is to find out whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with Russia was actually the head of the FBI when they covered up the fact that the country was “corrupting” American uranium companies while also purposefully stopping a key witness from contacting Congress about said corruption.

In other words, Mueller is a deep state operative who is literally guilty of what he claims to be investigating President Trump for and should immediately resign as there is absolutely no chance whatsoever that his investigation is or will be unbiased. (The man is close personal friends with James Comey for crying out loud!)



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