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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Shore Stop In Hebron Allegedly Robbed At Gunpoint

This story is developing. We will put up a press release once it comes out. 


  1. Hoping for these tax cuts so I can move outta here.

  2. Welcome to the hood.

  3. Wow, this used to be a very quiet area. The same with Pittsville and Willards, now they are brimming with crime almost daily. What's with the crimes in road daylight.

  4. Replies
    1. It's everywhere, no matter where you turn. You all must open your eyes and admit it's on your street and in your family too. Drugs don't care where you live or who you are, rich or poor, young or old, color doesn't matter either. I don't believe anyone wakes up in the morning and says I think I'll be a drug addict! One time and they're hooked.

      Time for us ALL to get on our knees & ask God to heal our country...beginning with ourselves.

  5. 2:53
    You are truly delusional. It may be on my street, but I guarantee not in my family. See we were raised not to do drugs, that they are bad for us and society. We listened to our parents!. We didn't use excuses to do drugs, we were held accountable for things we did and were punished accordingly.

    As far s getting on our knees and asking God to heal our country, I would do that, but I will have a weapon on my hip in case he is busy with something else.

  6. So I hear that no robbery occurred??.

  7. but but MD says you don't need a concealed carry

    1. Just call 911 and hold on the phone till the police arrive in 15,20,25,30 or so!

  8. Excellent work Mike Lewis! Keeping the county safe from crime and drugs right? Nice article about heroin and cocaine. Right on time for your reelection bid.


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