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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Senate Criminal Justice Bill Would Let Inmates Dictate Prison Based On Gender Identity

A convict would be able to tell state authorities whether to send the convict to a men’s prison or a women’s prison based on the convict’s stated gender identity, according to a bill passed by the Massachusetts Senate.

The little-noticed provision is tucked away in the massive criminal justice reform bill House members are now considering.

The Senate passed the bill in the post-midnight hours of October 27, 27-10. The provision calls for housing prisoners “in a correctional facility with inmates with the same gender identity, provided that the placement is consistent with the prisoner’s request.”

The bill also mandates that prisoners claiming a gender identity “that differs from the prisoner’s sex assigned at birth” would be allowed to determine their housing even without an official diagnosis of “gender dysphoria.”



  1. And what MAJORITY is housed in the senate? No "blunder" it passed in the weee hours of the morning.


  2. this crap must stop.

  3. so....a man would say "I'm a woman" then have his run of the women's prison...gee....punishment? idiots....


  4. What could possibly go wrong?

  5. This world, including THIS country, is going to hell in a handbasket.


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