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Thursday, November 09, 2017

Sebastian Gorka on Dem Election Wins: 'Irrelevant'

The Democratic victories in Virginia and New Jersey are "irrelevant," Sebastian Gorka told Newsmax TV on Wednesday, because "they have to look in the mirror and reform themselves."

"The kid's pointing at the emperor and the emperor has no clothes on," the former Trump White House deputy assistant told "Newsmax Now" host Bill Tucker in an interview.

"I'm very happy to have them celebrate, because that means they haven't learned anything from Nov. 8," he said. "It is great for the president, it's great for true conservativism.

"Nobody is surprised at this result.

"If you think this is a victory for the Democrats, you don't understand that New Jersey and Virginia were never Trump territory."

Gorka said he lives in Virginia and the Commonwealth "has changed the last 20 years with the influx of liberal government employees by the truckload.

More here


  1. He's right. No reason to panic.
    But the GOP had better get to work.

  2. I see the Democratic wins in those 2 states as RELEVANT, but not in a rebuke of Trump's policies, but as a rebuke against the establishment. That's why Trump won last year.
    Virginia-- Gillespie was as establishment as you could get... he was the former director of the RNC, for God's sake.
    NJ... well that is a tax and spend state, and they got what they asked for. I'm surprised anyone can afford to live there.
    So, I'm not surprised.
    Hopefully, republicans will notice this as an anti-establishment vote by their constituents and will finally get something done in the Senate. If not, watch out this time next year.

  3. Sounds like someones grapes are awfully sour.

  4. VA, MD, and NJ are Democrat for once reason. Northern VA is around DC where everyone works for the US Govt. The same thing can be said about the beltway corridor running from just below Annapolis to just above Baltimore, everyone works for the US Govt. Northern NJ is heavily populated with the same mindsets as New Yorkers. What do they have in common? Those areas far exceed the conservative areas of each state. If the counties in each state seceded from the rest of the state then you would see a completely different situation.


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