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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

School Extorts $40 from Low-Income Family for Supplies Student Already Has

I've always been curious about parents who have school supply horror stories. I sure have my own from when my son was in elementary school. Few of us will be able to match Canadian parent Kevin Sacobie's experiences this year, however.

CBC reports: "A father on social assistance whose son started Grade 3 with pencils and notebooks supplied by the Fredericton food bank says the school is hounding him to pay $40 for essentially the same supplies bought by his son's teacher."

"We felt really bushwhacked — embarrassed is a good way to put it," Kevin Sacobie said as he described the school's demand of $40 for supplies.

Principal Jack Hay said that the majority of teachers at Nashwaaksis Memorial School opted to purchase enough school supplies to last the year and asked each student to pay $40.

"For Sacobie, this was $40 he didn't have — for supplies his son did not need," CBC said.

It's not unusual for teachers to pick up supplies for students, particularly for students who don't have their own. In fact, I think every teacher my children have had in school has done this.



  1. Sounds like what the high schools in the Wicomico County Public Schools are doing by extorting a $40 dollar athletic fee when most parents have already paid through their taxes.

    Next thing you know the schools are allowing the coached to pick 10 or more extra kids to "make the team" but they never get any playing time. Time they already paid for by showing up to practice ever single day of the week and going to game after game and not getting to play whether the kid is good or not.

  2. Wicomico already does it every year when they send the list and stock pile the goods that they dont even use.

  3. 6:47 AM and 8:14 AM are both correct.


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