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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Salisbury Maryland Police Department November 14, 2017 Interactive


  1. Welcome comrades to the joint Ukrainian/Salisburian investigation into Russian collusion in the mayoral elections. Huh?

  2. Basically it is your department so run it as you see fit. Basically none of my business.

  3. I'm sorry every time I see that blue and yellow beach towel hanging in the background it just screams "Da-bury is a big joke" run by boy mayor. Until that "thing" disappears and Jake the Snake along with it I don't trust a thing that comes out of the mouth of any city official .

  4. That is one ugly dude.

  5. Anonymous said...
    I'm sorry every time I see that blue and yellow beach towel hanging in the background it just screams "Da-bury is a big joke" run by boy mayor. Until that "thing" disappears and Jake the Snake along with it I don't trust a thing that comes out of the mouth of any city official .

    November 15, 2017 at 3:55 PM

    I agree. It's Jake's way or the Highway. Not one tax paying citizen or voter had a say on Jake's criminal activities. Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda and Jim Ireton must go.

  6. Goes to show you from comments the citizens are more concerned about the ridiculous looking flag and not the cameras. Time to go back to the original flag that had a meaning. Who the hell had authority to change it without input from the taxpayer? Same as removing the city seal from vehicles and turn them into a fruity looking SU car.


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