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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Roy Moore Campaign Claims to ‘Completely Bust’ Accusations as Details Emerge

More possible holes in the most serious sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, began to emerge this week.

Beverly Young Nelson, the woman alleging perhaps the most serious of claims against Moore, that he tried to force her to perform a sex act in his locked car when she was 16, is represented by controversial “civil rights” attorney Gloria Allred. Allred, who also represented women alleging still unproven sexual misconduct allegations against President Donald Trump, is refusing to hand over the pivotal yearbook Nelson claims Moore signed. Nelson’s own stepson and a high school boyfriend have already cast doubt on her accusation.

Potential problems emerged in Nelson’s account Monday when Moore’s campaign released a list of seven of what they describe as inconsistencies that “completely bust” the accusation. The release quotes Rhonda Ledbetter, who claims to have worked at Olde Hickory House, where the assault allegedly occurred, for nearly three years surrounding the dates in question.

Ledbetter told the Moore campaign there is another side of the story not being told:

"When I heard Beverly Nelson’s story, there were several details that were different from what I remember. I was nervous at coming forward because of all the attention this story has gotten, but as a moral and ethical person I had to speak up about what I know to be true.

"I was a waitress at Olde Hickory for almost three years from 1977-1979, and I never saw Roy Moore come in to the restaurant. Not one time. And I would have noticed because most of our customers weren’t wearing suits, especially not at night."

Another Olde Hickory House waitress, Renee Schivera, similarly questions Nelson’s account, saying:

"I was a waitress at the Olde Hickory House during the summer of 1977, before my senior year of high school. When I heard Beverly Nelson’s story the first thing that stuck out to me was that I don’t remember Roy Moore ever coming into the restaurant. I also don’t remember her working there."

Lots more details here..


  1. The important thing here is-- innocent until proven guilty. I personally doubt the veracity of the accusations. We've seen this 'politics of personal destruction' before, haven't we? Can you say 'Clintons'?

    In this case, it's a gang bang, but the timing of it and the fact these accusations go back 30-40 years make it HIGHLY improbable.

    It's a hit on Roy Moore. Plain and simple.

  2. Refusal to turn over the forged documents to an expert did it for me, and now past Hickory House employees and patrons are speaking up about never seeing either of them there?

    I'm done. Vote for Moore. These people are all lying.


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