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Friday, November 03, 2017

Republicans cut tax break for NFL, let churches pick sides in political elections

The NFL would lose its ability to claim tax breaks for stadiums, colleges and universities would have to start paying taxes on massive endowments, and house “flippers” could no longer shield their income from the taxman under House Republicans’ proposed tax bill, which takes aim at a number of quirks that have developed over the years.

Republicans also settled some scores with the bill, including freeing churches from rules that prevent them from taking a stand in political elections and halting illegal immigrants’ ability to claim several major tax credits.

The changes produce tens of billions of dollars in savings a year — money that Republicans poured back into the tax code to reduce rates for lower-income Americans and to cut business taxes.

Axed from the tax code are breaks for electric car owners and big-time college donors looking to score better seats at football games. Also gone is the ability of divorcees to deduct some alimony payments.

All told, budget-cutters said, it’s a major step toward the flattening that Republicans had promised.



  1. Ridiculous that we're allowing churches to become part of the political process without paying taxes. If you want to influence legislation you need to pay taxes. The gov't would make tens of billions and avoid this massive amount of debt the new tax bill will tack on.

    1. Churches should be tax free. Thank you.

    2. Then they don't get a say in politics. They shouldn't get to have it both ways.

    3. Dude im an independent who voted for Obama twice and even I think churches should be tax exempt. Last i checked, church money is generated predominantly by parishioners who are donating funds that are already taxed. Now if its one of the mega churches that are reaping in income from tv contracts and other commercial operations then thats a diffrent story. Seems to me limiting church political involvement should be considered pretty anti 1st amendment.

  2. 3:44 PM No they should not. Anyone anywhere can start a religion and be deemed non profit. Its bogus.

  3. There's a Salisbury (slum) landlord who lives somewhere outside Silver Spring and claims his principle residence there as a church. He was ordained on the internet and has a few friends who claim to be parishioners so that he can keep his home in tax free status. It's a terrible scam.

  4. If Churches hare being denied the right to express their political choice then how can Unions? They make you pay dues then donate them to political party, Democrats, and the ones paying dues cannot deduct it. I would rather the Churches voice their opinion than a Union. Besides the Black Churches were / are an arm of the Obama / Democrats. How come there was no complaints against the Churches then?

  5. Churches have been getting away with preaching politics for years. Standing against abortions,against casinos, certain candidates they endorse.


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