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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

REPORT: Mitch McConnell Camp Planted Roy Moore Story To Help Clear Path For Trump Impeachment Attempt In 2018

What a disgusting cesspool of self-serving corruption is the nation’s capital and no better example of that can be found today than Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell who, according to longtime political activist, Ned Ryun, was a primary source of the anti-Roy Moore stories that are now attempting to sway the upcoming Alabama special election and help clear the path for a Trump impeachment attempt in 2018.

“…I strongly suspect it’s a very short list of people, all who are associated with Mitch McConnell – whether it’s Josh Holmes, whether it’s Karl Rove, might even be Steven Law – I don’t know, but I strongly, strongly suspect somebody out of the McConnell camp planted the story. It was planted. This came with the blessing of Mitch McConnell at some point, that he was going to take a political shot at Roy Moore.”

According to whispers, it wasn’t just taking “political shot” at Moore that motivating the McConnell camp. They want Roy Moore out of the way and replaced with someone of McConnell’s choosing, or even Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, a man whose career is linked to the Bill Clinton administration. Moore would be a vehement defender of POTUS Trump and his policies. If McConnell is to succeed in laying the groundwork for an impeachment trial and vote in the Senate, he will need fewer senators like Roy Moore to contend with.



  1. Revolution inches closer.
    From people like him to the judge in California.
    Resist the will of the people and the price will come due and will be paid.
    They are playing with fire.

    Keep cheering.

  2. Civil race snowflake war coming.

  3. Mcconnell and his ties in the deepstate must be destroyed, theyve gone beyond being traitors to the people...the Country. It is the duty of the people to destroy a corrupt dysfunctional government, the Constitution commands it!

  4. The govt paid out $17 million in hush money for these slimy house and senate harassers! And now they want to go after Trump. I say clean house- the lifers need to go away. Why are they always exempt from the laws they make. This needs to end.

  5. He needs to get OUT.


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