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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Raiders Line Let Carr Get Hurt?

Wife Of NFL Player Claims Raiders Let Derek Carr Get Hurt Over Anthem Protests

The wife of Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Brent Grimes claimed Tuesday morning the Oakland Raiders offensive line allowed Derek Carr to get hurt because he did not join the anthem protests.

Miko Grimes made an appearance on “The Breakfast Club” where she emphatically claimed the star quarterback’s views on the anthem protests led to his offensive line allowing him to get crushed. She even went further and said his views led to locker room fights.

“A lot of people don’t know, but the reason Derek Carr got injured was because the Raiders offensive line allowed him to get injured,” Miko explained as she launched into her story.



  1. If he can prove it he should sue them.

  2. “A lot of people don’t know, but the reason Derek Carr got injured was because the Raiders offensive line allowed him to get injured,” Miko explained as she launched into her story.

    Figured that out the day after it happened upon reading the sports pages. Didn't know about it before because I haven't watched the NFL since colon krap did his thing. Also haven't watched ESPN since they fired Curt Schilling.

  3. Somebody tell him to resign from the team and everyone will be happy.

  4. Fine all that were involved their pay for 8 games. Proves they are a bunch of bullies and possibly ended a prosperous career of this young player.

  5. If it's true snd you can prove it sue the NFL and teammates.

  6. Better not be true or there will be a kink in the Shield (NFL)!


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