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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Pro-life student group wins settlement after professor tries to kick away chalk messages

A California professor who is seen on video trying to censor pro-life students drawing with sidewalk chalk has been ordered to undergo First Amendment training and pay $17,000 as a result of a district court settlement.

Fresno State University public health professor Dr. Gregory Thatcher recruited students from his class to help deface the Fresno State Students for Life sidewalk chalk.

Thatcher allegedly harassed and intimidated the group, accusing them of chalking outside the free speech zone on campus -- which hadn't existed at the school since 2015.
“What the professor did was wrong, and the only permit a student needs to speak on campus is the First Amendment,” the pro-life club’s president, Bernadette Tasy, told Fox News.

The chalk messages encouraged students on campus to seek pro-life health care options.

Tasy captured an exchange between herself and Thatcher in a video clip of the incident.


1 comment:

  1. Those two guys got arrested for it here. Drawing on concrete with chalk.


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