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Friday, November 24, 2017

Priest: Muslims Are Leaving Islam, Converting to Christianity

A Catholic priest is claiming Muslims across the world, particularly in Africa but also in Middle Eastern nations, are converting to Christianity in huge numbers every year.

Father Mitch Pacwa told National Catholic Register he has confirmed with sources on the ground that followers of Islam are becoming Christians — in part because of radical Islamic terror and the mark it leaves on people.

"We are in a time of the first ever mass conversions of Muslims," Pacwa said. "God is doing a mighty work among them."

Pacwa noted that Africa seems to be the home of millions of converts who have abandoned the Muslim faith for Christianity.

In 2005, Pacwa said, Al Jazeera Television was "reporting on the mass conversions of Muslims — as many as 6-8 million — in sub-Saharan, Africa, and they have repeated the warning every year. I've confirmed it with Africans I know who have told me again and again about conversions in places like Nigeria, Uganda, Mali.

"That's why Boko Haram has become so active. They are actually quite scared and trying to terrorize. But the very act of terrorizing people has ended up with people becoming more disgusted with Islam."

More here


  1. Love is better then hate. Jesus is love.

  2. And that's why Muslims want to kill all the "infidels" that don't believe in "one God", and the ones that seek to convert others to their belief in the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost that resides in us all. Muslims don't seek to convert people to their beliefs, they just believe in killing anyone that doesn't share their beliefs. Mohamed had an absolute remedy for converting all in his realm of influence to Islam. As a religion, it is brutal.


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