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Monday, November 13, 2017

Poll Finds Nearly Half of White Southerners Feel Under Attack

A new poll by Winthrop University found nearly half of white respondents living in the South agree or strongly agree they feel under attack, The Hill reported Sunday.

The same poll showed that more than 75 percent of black respondents said they felt racial minorities were under attack, although the data did not explain the definition of "under attack."

More results here


  1. White people are under attack... It's because they are the majority and if you can demonize the group you can de-legitimize everything connected to them like Capitalism and the bill of rights and if you can upend these then you can force in Communism and the people are effectively controlled by the government.

  2. That is because they are. Way to go 0bama!! You were certainly successful in that aspect of your presidency.


  3. White people feel like they're under attack because they are under attack, and have been for quite a while.. especially white Christian males.

    The question is: how long will Americans of all colors keep buying into this divisive scam?

    This will remain the greatest country on Earth if we UNITE and stay that way.

    That will only happen if the divisive race-baiters will hush up and just let us love each other..

  4. Get them a safe space

  5. With all the vile/hate spewed via CNN/PMSNBC et al, no wonder folks feel like we are under attack. Try to stop watching those awful TV infotainment "shows".

    Get out and be a part of your community, its totally amazing whats out there!! If more folks were able to get out, being part of a community - folks like our Boy Toy wouldn't be in charge!

    Back to life, back to reality!

  6. Well, they did take every Civil War statue down, renamed buildings, colleges and streets, outlawed the Confederate battle flag, and continue to harangue and harass the entire white population to blame them for slavery.

  7. i live in Richmond, not 1 single statue has moved doofus.


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