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Monday, November 13, 2017

Police Commission’s plans range to closing businesses

The Ocean City Police Commission this week unveiled its plan to control motor vehicle events, although some members characterized it as a brainstorming list.

“In order to evaluate some of the ideas and suggestions, we formed a list and unfortunately, some have taken the list as all the proposals,” said Police Commission Chairman and Councilman Dennis Dare during Monday’s session. “These are items that have been in the newspaper, social media, emails from the public, and discussed with each other.”

After the May car show that drew thousands of noisy vehicles and caused traffic jams on Coastal Highway, the council announced that it was searching for ways to reign in the motor events. The public increased the pressure on city officials to find a solution after an unofficial H2O International car rally became so rowdy that Ocean City Police and its allied agencies struggled to contain it.

The Police Commission organized the “Ocean City motor events action plan,” during closed session on Oct. 13. Those suggestions include:



  1. Some of the suggestions sound like our City is out of control (aka Baltimore):

    - Close businesses as early as 9pm
    - Request Gov. Larry Hogan to have National Guard on standby
    - Implement “rolling” road blocks
    - Impose a curfew
    - Reduce traffic lanes on Coastal Highway in a “road diet”
    - Install temporary strategically located speed humps
    - Schedule SHA road construction to start before motor events
    - Install more cameras on Coastal Highway for Crime Watch surveillance

    WTH do you all do in City Hall? How many decades have events gone on in our town? Have you looked at YOUR mis-management (almost laissez faire type) over the years as the source of the challenges?

    Wow and NOW after another poorly prepared weekend, one of the choices is to have the national guard on standby? HAHAHAHA RINO Hogan is laughing at you all for the continued mis-management of HIS states revenue generator!

    You all are a mess and must be held accountable FIRST!

  2. It sounds very communist to me. Curfews roll the sidewalks up at 9. National Guard. Wow. Isn't freedom great? Keep licking those boots people. Shoe polish is an acquired taste.

  3. This was the type of city manager Dennis was, and hundreds of idiot's couldn't figure out why he was fired. Wake up folks, this is OC at it's finest!

  4. Says a lot for the police commission, head by the police chief smh

  5. If the natives in City Hall can't control themselves, how can they control anything at all? Have any of you watched their weekly meetings? Simply hysterical!


  6. I have been a registered participant of this event since the beginning and have really enjoyed it. It is about the only time I go there and live only thirty minutes away.
    It sounds like the politicians should be kept out of town instead of the car event. Do they have any car guys on their committee? Because there are a lot of vehicles that are low enough that speed bumps would rip the base pan off the engines, if they could make it over them. If no air bags they can't raise them. Close down at nine, businesses would really enjoy that. Where do or how do these people get into office. They carry themselves like they are better or smarter than the average bear, but such is not the case. I know many high school drop outs that could do a much better job, not just O.C., every where.

  7. Well maybe if the participants and the spectators could behave adult-ish, these measures would not be needed? The Bible says when one becomes a man they are to put away childish things.

    Now everyone likes to have fun now and then and that is fine. But there are lines that shouldn't be crossed and they have been obliterated. The city just didn't pick an event and decide to screw with people.

    How many times have these events, participants, spectators been warned to act more mature? Did the majority heed these warnings? It seems they did not.

    So, cause and effect. Actions beget equal and opposite reactions.

    If the two can't come to some sort of a compromise, guess which one wins?

  8. 6:57....I am 76 YOA and been a car guy since childhood. You mean to tell us you don't hold something near from your youth. Maybe a pacifier or a blanket. You need to get a life my friend. You won't see this ole man out there burning the road because I work too hard to preserve and protect my car(s). Good luck with following your dream.
    P.S., if you investigate it you may find most of the ruckus could be from non-registered, non-participants (no all). Perhaps the one's being complained about are your children or generation that have had things handed to them (entitled). See you in May, should be hard to find me because there are many of my peers and age proudly cruising the roads.


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