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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Paul Attacker: Assault Not About Politics

The socialist man who assaulted Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Friday — leaving Paul with five broken ribs — released a statement through his lawyer insisting the assault had “nothing to do” with politics.

Rene Boucher, a 59-year-old retired anesthesiologist, who lives next door to Paul, faces charges of fourth-degree assault for tackling the senator as he mowed his lawn. Paul suffered lung contusions as a result of the broken ribs, his office said. Boucher was ordered to remain 1,000 feet away from Paul and his family, except while in his house, as a condition for bail, according to a copy of the citation reviewed by The Daily Caller.

Paul’s neighbors said the assault was the result of a landscaping dispute, the New York Times reported. “They just couldn’t get along. I think it had very little to do with Democrat or Republican politics,” neighbor Jim Skaggs told the NYT. “I think it was a neighbor-to-neighbor thing. They just both had strong opinions, and a little different ones about what property rights mean.”



  1. The attacker's story is B.S. it has everything to do with politics.

    Charles Manson said he was Jesus Christ.

    The attacker/socialist just wanted to throw a little bit of landscaping in to try to smooth things over from the real agenda.

    Let's face it, liberals, progressives, social justice warriors, pacifists, extreme environmentalists, socialists, communists, fascists, antifa, black lies matters, most university professors, and a lot of our child's educational teachers are very dangerous people.

    They are fake, they lie, they blame others, they are very envious, they are very greedy, they are very selfish, they are very cruel and a lot of them do not have empathy, feeling and warmth for their fellow man.

    Bang/snap political correctness is going to destroy us.


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