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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Opinion: Gun Control And The Texas Shooting

In perhaps the most chilling instance of post-shooting hysteria, an online mob viciously attacked thought and prayer.

They attacked religion. They attacked our God-given right of self defense. The machine was in full spin. The NRA was covered in blood, they said. The church’s walls and their God did not protect them, they said.

The mob’s scorched earth would accept nothing less than a complete mea culpa, on behalf of the Christian God, the Second Amendment, and supporters of both.

Here’s a mascot for cliche coastal twerpism, Lauren Duca, who exemplifies the multitudes hurling bile on the foundations of the free world:

Then, as typically happens with these things, the facts started to trickle out. They could not have possibly been worse for the gun control, anti-prayer, anti-thought proponents.

Stephen Willeford was “taking a nap” in his home Sunday morning when his distraught daughter started yelling for him. Someone was shooting up the church across the street, she said.



  1. If the Air Force had done their job he would not have been able to purchase the weapons he used to kill.

    1. If anyone wants a gun bad enough they will get one. Just look at Chicago, strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest death by guns. Explain how those laws are working in Chicago so well?

    2. If anyone wants a gun bad enough they will get one. Just look at Chicago, strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest death by guns. Explain how those laws are working in Chicago so well?

  2. Thank goodness there was someone to shoot him coming out.

  3. I really wish all people would stop trying to blame guns for any and all problems. Like Trump said, it's not a gun issue. It's a heart issue. This guy wanted to kill someone and he happened to use a gun to do it. If a gun was not available to him he would have used another weapon/method to do so.

    God has been pushed out of almost all of our daily activities. From schools, govt, you name it. Wherever you don't have Jesus you have evil. That duck guy said it better than I can.

    It's not a gun issue, it's a people issue. People with empty, cold, hate-filled evil hearts. And it will not get any better. These things must all come to pass before the judgment day and the second death.

    So just hold on to your faith in Jesus, if you have any because THAT is the ONLY thing we have to save us from this wickedness. Amen.

  4. I’m conservative but I’ve turned on guns. Evough. No one needs an assault rifle sorry. And background checks to buy any gun needed

  5. It's not a "need", it's a RIGHT.

  6. I'm conservative and Ive not turned on guns ! Sorry but the media has twisted the word "assault rifle " ..which is any rifle that shoots more than 1 bullet!! ( Which is billions of rifles by the way ) !! So Spare the psychological bullcrap about telling me what I can OR cannot purchase !!

  7. AR stands for the name of gun maker, ArmaLite rifle, NOT for assault rifle.

  8. Chicago's woes would be better if it were not for the lax gun laws immediately across the city line. If the US had reasonable gun health safety legislation not all but a lot of these shootings would be stopped.
    How many opposed seat belts? How many opposed air bags? How many lives are saved each day with these safety devices in our vehicles?


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