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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

O’Malley: Obama Devastated Democratic Party Like a ‘Bad Forest Fire’

Wednesday on ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) said former President Barack Obama’s decision to set up Organizing for America rather than “infusing” his energy into the Democratic Party devastated the party on state and local levels like a “bad forest fire.”

O’Malley said, “To put it kindly, President Obama decided to set up a separate political organization rather than infusing that energy of his candidacy and his amazing and historic victory, rather than infusing that energy into the veins of the Democratic party and making the Democratic party new and more energetic, instead the president and his people decided to set up a separate organization in ‘Organizing for America,’ OFA. I guess the president, perhaps and his people, thought their roles in history was to transform us, allow all of to transcend beyond the need for political parties. ”

He continued, “So when the Republicans and their small group of very wealthy donors, who are not afraid to write big checks, saw what was happening, they immediately filled that vacuum. And in a very methodical way, fielded candidates with a whole lot of money to run for state senate, state legislators, backed candidates for governor. And they were able to wipe us out at the state level and increasingly at the local level. We’ve never gone through a period of time, at least not in modern history were the Democratic party lost so many seats and so many governors offices even as our president was a Democratic. That was a mistake that we made. We have to learn from that mistake. And I believe what is happening now is the party is regenerating itself, almost like after a bad forest fire.”



  1. Some how he took himself out of the equation. He litterly immediately implemented obamas agenda on Maryland before obama finished his speeches. Same people in charge, same donors and now radical progressive platform seeking ONLY ILLEGALS is what he calls a regeneration?

  2. well, marty. Is there such a thing as a good forest fire?

  3. Funny how Democrats blame everything in the world for all their failures but themselves. It has nothing to do with rich republicans or any other excuse they WILL come up with.

  4. He did the same thing to all Marylanders. Who is he trying to con?

  5. O'Palley in the headlines again. Shame he doesn't know he will always be hitched to the Obama/Hillary train - no matter how much he tries to spin it. Such a sad sad man.

    Martin, its truly time for a permanent VAY CAY for you!

  6. It was arson, committed by you know who.

  7. Maybe one of the few truth omalley's ever told. Not only did obama destroyed the democrat party he nearly destroyed the country. Never ever has there been a more lying evil wicked devil on earth in the White House then obama. Pure rotten rank garbage a spawn of satan. Thank You God for intervening and sending us Donald J Trump to clean up the mess left behind. A special place in hell awaits obama and all that support the lying ghetto hustler filth.


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