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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Ocean City considers changes to prevent a boardwalk truck attack

WASHINGTON — Town leaders are considering beefing up security along Ocean City’s popular boardwalk, now that terrorists who drive cars or trucks into crowds have become a worldwide concern.

“Unauthorized vehicles are prohibited on the boardwalk, as I’m sure everyone knows. However, we do not physically control that access,” City Engineer Terry McGean said at a City Council work session this week.

McGean said the town’s Police Commission asked leaders to look at ways to better restrict vehicle access to the boardwalk.

He suggests new barriers, such as bollards and gates, be added at every vehicle access point.

There are currently 33 of these points; three more will be added during this offseason.

“These barriers, in order to do the job that I think the mayor and council envisions them doing, need to be able to stop a medium-sized truck, such as a U-Haul,” McGean said.

He added that the barriers need to be able to hold back a truck of that size traveling between 30 and 40 mph.

The total cost of the barriers is estimated at more than $1 million.



  1. Sounds good. If it save one life it will worth it. (map)

  2. 2:34...You beat me to it. If it saves one life...worth it.

  3. There are no negatives to doing this - only positives.
    Make no mistake: Safety is the #1 concern of vacationers.
    That's why the Town is taking the H20i crowd and the June Grads invasions so seriously.
    It's why the fence is going up on Coastal.
    It's why the Beach Patrol is so very important.
    "Value" is a far second place to safety when deciding where to take the family.
    The barriers will offer another level of a feeling of safety while walking the boardwalk.
    It would be a million bucks well spent for the tourist industry - and reputation of the town.

  4. They can just jump in the tram lanes if they wanted to do anything.

    1. That's exactly what they are looking to prevent. It can be done fairly easily.

    2. A determined person will accomplish just about anything they want. Even in this backwoods place.

  5. This is all feel good bull. A terrorist looking to maim will simply move to the next "opportunity". What about a packed bus with 50 people aboard? What about 10 miles of crowded beach.The truth is that an over crowded town has unlimited opportunities for terrorism.

  6. With all due respect, 4:38, I strongly disagree with your take on this situation.
    According to your train of thought:
    * A bank shouldn't post a guard because a bank robber will just go to another bank.
    * Why place security cameras in stores because the shoplifter will just commit the crime somewhere else?
    I could go on but I think you catch my drift.
    Doing something is better than doing nothing.

    1. I agree with 4:38, it's not don't do it because they will just attack somewhere else, it's because if some Jihadists show up in Ocean City and can't drive a truck on to the boardwalk they will just find another means of attack. You will never protect yourself from everything, and a terrorist isn't going to see a truck blockade and decide to denounce Muhammad.

  7. What about the banner planes?

  8. Concrete with rebar columns oughtta slow 'em down.

  9. I have to think this one therough or see the barriers I guess.

    But remember folks. Our freedoms are slowly taken away every day because of fear and weakness

  10. All that will be moot when the enemy decides to hack into the computers and disable the country's electric grid.
    The USA will implode within days of that event.
    They probably have the capability to do that as we speak. Just a matter of time...

  11. oc is one of the top ten targets for an isis attack! good work Barney!
    But then do they really need to get to the boardwalk? All they have to do is wait for some fool tourist to just run though traffic against the lights! easy peasy!

  12. Drunks have been taking trips down that boardwalk for as long as I can remember, some at high rates of speed, with cops in pursuit. Never heard of anyone being killed.

  13. "If it saves just one life...." is a bunch of crap.


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