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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

NYT: Two WH Officials Float Replacing Moore With Sessions

Two White House officials have floated the idea of replacing beleaguered Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, The New York Times reports.

Sessions held the seat before he was appointed to AG and could take it again if Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama were to immediately appoint him when it becomes vacant again.

A source told ABC News' Tara Palmeri that Sessions was not interested in reclaiming his old seat, saying, "this is wishful thinking by people who probably don't even know Jeff Sessions, and certainly haven't spoken to him."



  1. I am watching the sessions testimony he REFUSES to go after Hillary he needs to be FIRED.

  2. Seems like a good way to kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the liability Moore, and get Sessions out as AG.

    1. That won't look good a Demotion.?

  3. anonymous "sources" commenting on unsubstantiated allegations - "NEWS"

  4. Sessions isn't going after Hillary and now I see Mueller is trying to SEAL uranium One documents so not to burn Hillary MUELLER needs to be FIRED along with Sessions.


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