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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

North Korea says nuclear push completed as missile test puts entire U.S. within striking distance

North Korea announced Wednesday that it had completed its goal of becoming a nuclear state after test-firing a powerful new intercontinental ballistic missile that it said puts the entire United States within striking distance.

The fresh challenge to the U.S. and Japan saw the North launch what was apparently its longest-range missile to date after a hiatus of 10 weeks, injecting new uncertainty into the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

In a special televised announcement, North Korea said it had “successfully carried out” a launch of the newly developed Hwasong-15 ICBM, which it said is “capable of striking the whole mainland of the U.S.”

It said the missile had soared to an altitude of 4,475 km, flying a distance of 950 km.




    You are about to be destroyed by USA

  2. But does he know how many of our nuclear missiles can hit any city in North Korea? How about ALL OF THEM! I wonder if the nutjob thinks he can hide from a multi-warhead nuclear missile.

  3. Thank your Politicians !!!

    Guess all we can do is wait until they STRIKE ....Dugh !!!

    Our Govt has No Balls or Backbone to do anything about it !!

    Nice knowing ya .........!!!

  4. So we can have nuclear bombs. But no one else can. Doesn't matter who fires first, when We're all dead.

  5. Your right 11:50.

    US has a history of treating countries like garbage until they are a nuclear threat, then they want to be buddy buddy. Its a bad policy that has driven a lot of 3rd world countries into the nuclear age.

  6. Evil Dictators have to be taken Out Sooner rather than Later

    Can't blame America or anyone else for what They do ........
    America is the Good Guy in the world that has to Take them
    out....since noone else will.

    Evil Dictators WILL use the nukes on US & ALLIES so they
    Are NOT going be allowed to Have them Period .

    Time to use our First Strike Option !!!! Before they hit us


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