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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nolte: MSM’s Phony Clinton Contrition Is Only About Destroying Roy Moore

One of the great mainstream media hoaxes of all-time is currently underway courtesy of, among others, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, CNN’s Jake Tapper, the Atlantic, David Remnick, and even the New York Times. Watching these leftists pretend to soul-search after participating in a 25-year cover-up of the sexual misconduct allegations against former President Bill Clinton is merely a reminder of just how venal the media are.

Yes, just one year after Hayes, Tapper, the Atlantic, Remnick, and the New York Times, sold their souls to put Bill Clinton, an accused rapist, and his chief enabler, Hillary Clinton, back in the White House, all of a sudden the media have decided that right now is the perfect time to do penance for participating in a craven conspiracy that primarily involved their merciless trashing of the Clintons’ alleged victims.

But that is not all: For some five years, right up to this very day, the MSM have protected U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat currently on trial for corruption, and who is also accused of having sex with underage hookers.

The convenience of this sudden journalistic desire to soul-search over their Clinton-enabling (even as they intentionally smother the Menendez story) is not at all a coincidence..

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  1. Because Clinton's misgivings in the past can't prosecute now.

  2. Clinton money and influence run deep in support, Of Corruption, depravity, collusion, Murder and treason treason treason treason...


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