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Sunday, November 19, 2017

MUSLIM BARBIE: Mattel Announces Hijab-Wearing Doll Based Off Of Anti-Trump Muslim

"I'm proud to know that little girls everywhere can now play with a Barbie who chooses to wear hijab! This is a childhood dream come true."

The maker of Barbie announced on Monday that they are creating their first Muslim Barbie doll which will feature a hijab and is modeled on an Olympic fencer who made headlines for criticizing President Trump.

The new Barbie, named after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, was announced at Glamour’s Women of the Year summit and is scheduled to be available for purchase in 2018, CNN Money reported.

In a tweet, Muhammad wrote, "I'm proud to know that little girls everywhere can now play with a Barbie who chooses to wear hijab! This is a childhood dream come true."



  1. Will it be allowed to drive the Barbie Corvette? Can it leave the box without Ken?

  2. I will boycott any mattel products

  3. 340 million people in the US 3 million are Muslim approximately.... however it feels the opposite when you listen to mainstream media.

  4. No more barbies...bye, bye...

    1. 12:39. You’re probably WAY to OLD to still be playing with dolls.

    2. But my granddaughters aren’t too old

  5. Readers should at least find out about this highly recognized , Olympic medal winner that this doll is modeled after. Better yet read her published letter to Time Magazine titled "My America"

    1. Keep being Brainwashed.

    2. They're not making a big deal about her Olympic excellence, they're gushing over her hijab.WTF?

  6. Mattel company is CRAZY!!! Boycott, everyone, Boycott. No sense in this crap.

  7. Is she allowed out of the box ?????

  8. How do we know it's a real woman under there ?.

  9. She comes with her very own Bomb Vest!

  10. What's next an ISIS inspired Ken? Will he come with head and scimitar?

  11. Next up - ISIS Ken.

  12. Mattel is about to be bought out by Hasbro with all that Transformers loot.

  13. What a shame .... caving to political correctness

  14. Comes with a copy of Sharia Law...

  15. Will the thing come with a few heads in the box, too, or maybe some fake blood that be splashed on her to show how devoted she is to the "religion of peace"?
    Or maybe a small bottle of flammable fluid in case the muslim mohhamed-ken decides to set her on fire for being "disobedient" or for leaving the house without permission? Or tempting men with her "tempting eyes" and therefore also deserving of the "fire solution" to her bad bad behavior?
    Will it come with a group of mohhamed -kens who can rape her and make her come up with 20 witnesses or go to PRISON herself for being gang raped (those damn "tempting eyes" will always get you the rape you DESERVE???
    Still haven't learned not to keep pi**ing on America???
    You will....Barbie sales may go up in Michigan, but drop significantly every else.

  16. No flamable fluids due to shipping hazard, but does come with bottle of acid for the facial was after using "tempting eyes"!

  17. Her "Barbie mobile" is a 1984 Toyota Tacoma with a machine gun bolted in the bed.

  18. I would cover my face with an ISIS style mask and post a picture online with me taking that Barbie's clothes off for all the world to see. Then see how they like having their own "Barbie" with a hijab.

  19. The fun of having a toy doll is dressing and undressing the doll. Seems contradictory to their beliefs. No one is supposed to see a Muslim woman's body, except for her husband. Are we to assume that this particular Barbie will be the only one that does not allow the removal of her clothes?

  20. And Mattel is changing it's name to Patel.

  21. Anonymous said...

    And Mattel is changing it's name to Patel.

    November 19, 2017 at 9:21 AM;

    The Patel's are Hindus, not Muslims.....


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