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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

More to the WH/CNN Boycott Christmas Party Story

Tonight on Sean Hannity, former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, told Hannity that, unlike in years past, the President and First Lady had extended the Christmas Party invites to the people in the press corp who actually work in the Press Room. They were all given invitations and were allowed to bring a guest.

Why this is significant is, usually these invites are given to on-air talent and media heads not to the people who actually work the lighting and cameras in the actual press room. Meaning, once again, the Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome has hit and this time, the casualties are people who do the real work in the media as opposed to the media brass.

Spicer went on to relay the Trumps have graciously opened up the White House, instilling the fact it is the People's house, so that people can visit! In past administrations, most of the gatherings at the White House were closed, special invites only and mostly elites were the ones invited. Very seldom, if ever, was such a wide diverse group of visitors allowed to come as we've seen with the Trumps.

For all the malcontents whom love to point out every little thing the Trumps do and somehow turn it into something sinister and corrupt, it is a shame your derangement has blinded you from the truth about how much America means to the Trumps and vice versa.


  1. Trump Derangement Syndrome indeed. It's sad CNN upper echelons have pissed on the workers. They have deprive those underlings to be able to enjoy a Christmas Party being thrown for THEM. Everything on the Left is about politics, not people!

  2. "For all the malcontents whom love to point out every little thing the Trumps do and somehow turn it into something sinister and corrupt, it is a shame your derangement has blinded you from the truth about how much America means to the Trumps and vice versa"

    I always love the level ofprojection and hypocrisy here. It was the Obamas who coined the term "the people's house". It was you who demonized them for every event they held.

    1. 12:57 I never heard obama call it the people's house. But what I do remember is him inviting thug after thug to the White House and I'm sure you were ok with that

  3. Because the people weren't allowed in. The Obama's only let them in if they had something in exchange. A quid pro quo invitation, if you will.

    1. Since when is just anyone allowed into a white house party in the first place?

  4. CNN will not attend any celebration that refers to Christmas. But, they sure like advertising money the Christmas Holiday brings in.


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