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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

More Evidence the Paris Climate Accord Is a Farce

"Global commitments made in Paris in 2015 to reduce emissions are still not being matched by actions." Who woulda thunk it?

The Left preaches that the Paris climate accord is not just an obligatory moral endeavor — the world faces an imbroglio that requires frantic countermeasures if we expect to stave off the (alleged) apocalyptic consequences of man-made global warming. Conservatives have countered that argument partly by insisting that key foreign nations have zero interest in abiding by the rules. They rightly see the accord as a massive transfer of wealth. The underlying motivation of nations to participate is the cash flow they envision flowing from the top. It’s a great scheme — if they can make it work.

Unfortunately for them, the plan isn’t coming to fruition, at least not as intended. News broke last week that the U.S. represents literally the only nation not a signatory to the Paris climate accordfollowing Syria’s about-face. Ecofascists are furious, but the move was a sterling one, especially considering the evidence isn’t in their favor. According to a new report, the trend is already heading in the direction that conservatives warned it would. It’s been predicted that whatever positives the U.S. achieves in terms of limiting emissions output will be canceled out by other big polluters like China. New indications via the Global Carbon Project affirm this concern.



  1. The only thing that needs to be done to stop man made global warming, is for man to stop the warming.
    Stop geo-engineering the planet using nano particulate of heavy metals and then blasting the atmosphere with ELF using ionosphere heaters.

    That is the problem.

    Stop spraying us.

  2. Ah, the Fake ones (Lies!) emission scan and the brave reptilian brain initiative comes 8th the best ! Now, the has. No no ! Say no to Nfl fails. (Flag)

  3. Mark my words, we're shooting ourselves in the foot for short terms profits. When every country moves on to clean energy we'll be trying to catch up buying their technology from us.

  4. It's good that somebody saw through the ruse.

  5. 9:52 PM - Like in the year 2217?

  6. 9:02 I appreciate that you've watched some Youtube videos. The conspiracy theories you're talking about have been debunked countless times.

    3:54 Renewable technology is advancing exponentially. It is not coincidence that countries without the financial backing of fossil fuel giants are committed to long term sustainable solutions while our elected officials, who either previously ran such industries or publicly receive donations from them for re-election campaigns, want to keep us dependent on finite energy resources for many years to come.


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