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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Mom charged after putting recording device in daughter’s backpack

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – The mother of a Norfolk student turned to 10 On Your Side after she was charged by police.

“I tried to be fair, but it’s not fair,” said Sarah Sims. “There is nothing fair about this.”

In late September, Sims says she had enough. She tells 10 On Your Side her 9-year-old daughter was getting bullied at Ocean View Elementary. She says repeated calls and emails to the school went un-returned.

“The thing that bothers me the most is that I am yet to get a response from anyone in the administration,” Sims added.

Sims says she took actions into her own hands. She wanted to prove that nothing was being done to help her 4th grade daughter. She put a digital recorder into her daughter’s backpack in hopes of catching audio from inside the classroom.

“If I’m not getting an answer from you what am I left to do?” she asked.



  1. "Sims was charged with felony use of device to intercept oral communication and misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a minor."


  2. I honestly don't understand why MD has the law that its a two party consent to record. I can't even imagine the drop in DV, drugs, school crimes, etc that would happen if MD was a one party state. I thought VA was one party consent

  3. those charges will never stick. ask for a jury trial, she will be acquitted.

    1. After she wastes a ton of time and money.

  4. What gets me is that these young bully thugs can intercept your young child in the hallway of the school or out on the sidewalk and they can videotape several of themselves beating your child unconscious and yet a parent can't put a recorder in a backpack. When the school is not responding to the bullying? What is wrong with this picture. This is the stuff that really gripes my butt. I pay school taxes, in fact, most of my property taxes go to schools and this is the stuff that schools are doing against parents. Just so their negligence will stay uncovered.

    1. What’s even worse is those recordings and tapes the school has - they won’t allow the parents to see them (of the victim). I’ve seen this happen. Only subpoena in court I guess

  5. She tries to do the right thing for her kid and gets charged by the government...Big government is tyrannical.

  6. she was going to make the school and school admin look bad. They can't have that. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


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