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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

McAuliffe: ‘Nobody Cares’ Whether DNC Rigged Primary

Monday on MSNBC, Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) dismissed the allegations laid out by former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile in her forthcoming book, “Hacks.”

In her book, Brazile said the 2016 process for choosing the eventual Democratic presidential nominee, which was Hillary Clinton, was rigged.

McAuliffe’s reaction was “nobody cares,” and he attempted to steer the conversation to today’s gubernatorial election in Virginia.

Partial transcript:


  1. This Clintonista knows how the 'fix' works. They all do. That's why they're so nonchalant about it.

    'We know who is going to win'.

    It will be interesting to see what is discovered about this recent Virginia election.

  2. Northern Virginia is like LA or NYC. Super libera,l rich, hypocrites that don't add much to Virginia other then controlling votes. I'm suprised it was that close.

  3. That's right Terry,we already know Democrats have no morals.

  4. Great hit job on Martin O'Malley!


  5. It's also important to note that the DC suburbs (Northern VA and MD) are the homes of the deeply-imbedded Deep State Swamp Creatures. Career bureaucrats who just ride out the administrations that come and go. Hard to fire them, the union being what it is.

    So unless there is a long period of great discomfort to these people, they will remain in place and vote the way they do.

    And the ones who pass away in that process will continue to vote the way they always have.


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