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Monday, November 06, 2017

Massachusetts First to Ban Bump Stocks Since Vegas Shooting

Massachusetts on Friday became the first state to impose a ban on bump stocks since the deadly shooting at a Las Vegas music festival.

An appropriations bill that included a prohibition on the devices, which are designed to make semi-automatic rifles mimic the firing action of fully automatic weapons, was signed into law Friday by Republican Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito. The Democratic-controlled Legislature gave final approval to the measure on Thursday.

Polito is Massachusetts' acting chief executive with Republican Gov. Charlie Baker on vacation outside of the state. Baker had previously expressed support for banning the devices.

Baker and Polito "support the Second Amendment to the Constitution and Massachusetts' strict gun laws," said Brendan Moss, a spokesman for the administration.



  1. Keep piling on the reactionary rules state legislatures.

  2. But the fact these ANTIFA members keep killing people is not an issue for politicians.

  3. I guess next will be to cut off trigger fingers so not to pull the trigger that fast.

  4. I'm surprised they beat Md.

  5. 1:10 any sort of proactive lawmaking results in autistic screeching from the right

  6. And what will this accomplish? I mean, you can take your belt out of your pants and use it to achieve the same thing.

  7. What's next remove my right eye so I can't aim at a paper target ?

  8. I'm all for the 2nd amendment. But I see no use for being able to turn a gun into an automatic. I've shot ar's, and if it's for targets, or sport, you don't need an automatic weapon. I hope Bumps are banned with a very heavy price to pay if caught with one. they will still be around, but a heavy penalty will help curb that.

  9. 1:58--
    Why don't you try moving to Chicago? Among the strictest gun laws in the country means the criminals still have access, while making the average citizen a criminal if they protect themselves and their second amendment right. The place is a freakin' war zone! Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness combined with some of the anti-depressant drugs is the biggest, and let's not forget about false flags designed to disarm citizens.

  10. The psyop worked as planned

  11. 733 the point is this, instead of trying to fix the original problem you only care to react. Arm every citizen so we can kill mass shooters? Why not work to stop them in the first place? Maybe when your trailer park is the scene your sentiments will change


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